
The academy Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Kemshell

The academy designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Miss Reeder

The academy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Hatton

At Worlaby Academy we aim for every child to feel safe and cared for at all times. 

We recognise that: 

  • The welfare of the child is paramount 
  • All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm and abuse. 
  • Working in partnership with children, young people and their parents, carers and other agencies, is essential in promoting young people’s welfare. 

  We work under the guidance of the Department for Education (Keeping Children Safe in Education – Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges ) and the school’s Safeguarding Policy. 

 Self-Evaluation and Review 

Worlaby Academy takes its commitment to safeguarding and child protection very seriously. We conduct regular self-evaluation and audits of our policies, practice and procedures. Governors hold school leaders to account for ensuring that planned actions are completed within the timeframes indicated. 

 Staff Training 

Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff at Worlaby Academy and the teachers and teaching assistants undergo regular training in Safeguarding, including (but not limited to): Child Protection, Safer Recruitment, First Aid, Prevent (the name given to the training which aims to prevent young children becoming radicalised) and Identifying Children at Risk of FGM and other safeguarding risks. 

 All staff and governors complete an annual update on safeguarding, child protection and Prevent. Annual Safeguarding training also includes staff and governors reading and agreeing to the DFE guidelines ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (Part 1)’, the school’s Code of Conduct and Safeguarding policy documents. 

 Preventing Radicalisation 

Prevent Strategy Information for Parents explains our responsibilities in protecting children from extremist and violent views. It also supports us in promoting and teaching important values such as tolerance, respect and the celebration of diversity. 

Prevent Duty Information is also included in the Safeguarding Policy. 

Bullying / Peer on peer abuse 

We work hard to ensure that there are no instances of bullying or if any occur, they are dealt with quickly and followed up over time. We care about all the children at our school and work closely with children and families to give every child the best experience. 

For more information see our Care, Support, Guidance and Behaviour Policy. 

Online Safety 

In our modern world, technology poses certain risks that we want to protect our children against. 

For more information see our Online Safety Policy. 


Anybody having any concerns regarding the conduct of any adult within our school community, should refer to the school’s Safeguarding, Complaints and Whistleblowing policies. 

Operation Encompass 

Our school has been given the opportunity to take part in a project that will run jointly between all schools in our area. This project is designed to provide early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of normal school hours and that might have had an impact on a child attending our premises the following day: See our Safeguarding Policy for more information. 

You can also read our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy on our Statutory Information page.

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